
So happy you made it here. This is a space that encourages you to live a creative and unusual life. Allowing yourself to be drawn to what you love. If that sound’s fun, exciting, like a relief, a breathe of fresh air - Click here if you’re ready to get started. Let’s work together!

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.It will not lead you astray.”


Hi, I’m Chrystina

To be completely honest, I do many things. I always have. This used to be something I thought was a problem and I tried really hard to choose just one thing, anything! Finally, I know this is my super power. I’m a multipotentialite! (yes, that is a thing) Being creative and unusual, I learned to alchemize all my different interests, to wander where they overlap and connect. It’s what I enjoy. It’s how I’m able to say “yes” to all of it. Finding connections, following a lead, uncovering a path. And it’s what makes my support unique.

What I have to offer you is Coaching, Feng Shui, Five Elements, Creativity, Yoga, Sound Healing, and so much more! There are many paths to supporting change and development

are you ready…

…of course you are!! let’s work together to support you in following your own path, finding solutions..no matter how big or small. there are many ways to support change and development - from working with your space to your body, mind, and spirit. embrace your own unique creative and unusual path!

If you’re ready, working together might have these results:

  • You start saying “yes” to yourself, your urges, your quick hits, you go left when you think left and don’t send it up to the brain (or another person’s brain) for further evaluation. You trust your “Yes”.

  • You notice when you have a thought that might not be true, you know how to work with your thoughts, and don’t get derailed.

  • You still have off days, but you no longer fall into a rut. You have tools!

  • You know what you value. Sometimes this means you make choices that are different from what your family, friends, society, and culture expects of you - and that’s ok. You confidently do you.

  • Things have changed and you’re taking one step at a time to find out what to do next. Things are shifting. You have support.

  • You’re following your curiousty about what gets you excited, reconnecting with your passions.

  • You have an idea, a dream, and you’re taking small actions to make it a reality. You believe that you can do this! You have support.

  • When you have an insight, an intuitive tug, you’re listening.

  • You know you’re on the right path! In a groove, listening and taking action, connected to something bigger.

  • You have support, tools, momentum for doing what you know you want to do, and that makes all the difference.

  • Your space, your home, the way you live in your space feels amazing.

  • You have your energy back! You can sense when to rest and when to take action - you have tools and you’re listening.

  • You have a yoga or meditation practice - and it is anchoring you.

  • You reach out for sound when you’re a bit high strung and stressed out and you feel more at peace.

  • You’re living a creative life! You see your talent, feeling free to express yourself. You have what it takes!

  • You have your own creative practice.

  • You’re comfortable moving your body.

  • You enjoy using your voice.

  • You ARE the truest version of yourself.

my story

It’s been an interesting and exciting ride so far! Like many, I went in and out of trying to fit into some idea of what I was “supposed” to do/be which meant forgetting what I love to do. At times forgetting what even gets me excited. Every 5-10 years I’d jump off the “supposed to” train and explore. Each time money got tight or doubt crept in, I’d go back and do the “safe” thing. There was rent to be paid, retirement to save for….you’re never going to have blah blah blah if you don’t settle down! I was trained and skilled at getting back on “schedule”. Gah! Years were spent doing work that didn’t completely fulfill me but the money was good and I was comfortable enough…and people didn’t look at me funny when I said what I do for work. Hiding behind a nice, neat title, my true self could be a bit invisible, and at times this felt easier.  I fit in…kind of.

Here’s the thing, when I stopped being my “dutiful” self, when I’d jump off that train, I was able to tap into this other side of me that had dreams and visions! I was an artist, clothing designer, metalsmith, I sang jazz, danced, wrote, I travelled the world and lived nomadically. I got a taste for what was possible…and tapped into some bigger energy of trust. The last time I tasted this (living in my camper for 6 months on the road) I knew I had to try to stay the course. Keep tending the fire. Not give up! It’s like following breadcrumbs that perhaps my soul self laid down before I arrived here. This is the path I’m on now and I am passionate about staying the course - and supporting anyone who wants to change things up a little…or a lot.

listen for the wings of the butterfly calling you home…look for a CUE.

I look forward to meeting you!!