
You may have read my story on the opening page - here’s the nitty gritty:

Photostylist with over 30 years of design experience.

Certified Feng Shui Consultant trained to work with the energy of your space and life.

Certified Wayfinder Life Coach trained to support and guide you in a process of remembering your essential self and all its dreams and visions.

KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher trained to use Kundalini yoga to connect you back to your body and spirit.

Certified Sound Healer trained at the Globe Sound Healing Institute.

Co-Owner of The Qi House Healing Arts Center Designed the space and play an integral role in it’s operations.

Additional training in Dance/Movement, Voice, Interior Design, Fashion Design, various Fine Arts, and all things having to do with space and living into our fullest potential.  At times these all combine for life changing excitement.